Best dog first aid kit and why you should have one

Although you always hope that the worst won’t happen, it is best to be prepared for any eventuality. Just as you would have a first aid kit for your children, you should also have one for your dog.
There are some essential items that you need to include in your dog's first aid kit. So, let us look at the best dog first aid kit and why you should have one.
Paperwork for your dog
There is a range of first aid kits that will be ideal for your dog. It is important to find the best dog first aid kit that you can – but there are other things you should be including as well.
If your dog needs emergency attention, it is a good idea to have all of their paperwork with them. This will give the vet an idea of their medical history and their vaccinations. Although you can have them stored on your phone, it is a good idea to also keep a copy in their first aid kit either in paper form or on a USB drive.
This paperwork should also include the telephone number of your vet where you usually take your dog.
Antiseptic ointment
If your dog gets a serious cut or graze, then you need to think about cleaning the wound and ensuring it doesn’t become infected. The best way to do this is to have some antiseptic ointment in the first aid kit along with some sterile wipes and a bandage if needed.
If there is serious bleeding, then you need to wrap the area and get emergency vet help as soon as possible. Don’t try to remove any debris from the wound, just in case it causes more damage.
Scissors and tape
It might sound obvious, but there will be times when you could need scissors and not have any to hand. Always keep a pair in the first aid kit so that you can use them to cut tape and bandages. They are also important if you need to cut something that your dog might be tangled in.
Tape is also an important part of the kit. You can get special tape that can be used on bandages and is easy to remove if needed. You don’t want to be using a safety pin or anything that your dog can harm themselves with.
Wet wipes
There will be times when your dog will get muddy or roll in something that they shouldn’t. Because of this, wet wipes are always a good idea to keep handy. However, they are also a good addition to the first aid kit.
If your dog gets injured, keeping the area clean will be vital to prevent infection or parasites from entering the wound. There are many on the market, but always remember that they should be disposed of correctly as many cannot be flushed down the toilet.
A towel or a blanket
If your dog gets injured or they are frightened, then having a large towel or blanket you can wrap them in will be a comfort to them. It is also a good way to see any injuries without being bitten or scratched.
Another good reason to pack a blanket is that it will keep your dog comfortable if they are laying on the ground while waiting for help. This is especially important if the weather is hot or it is raining.
Travel food and water containers
As a dog owner, you likely keep a travel bowl and water with you anyway; however, having some in your first aid kit will mean there is always one there in an emergency. There are some good silicone versions now that won’t degrade over time like plastic versions.
Although you may take a disposable water bottle with you on walks, it is also a good idea to pack a reusable one in your first aid kit. You can then refill it when you get the opportunity and keep your dog hydrated.
Your dog’s medication
If your dog is on any medication, then it is a good idea to keep some of it in the first aid kit. This will help if you cannot get their medication or you lose it. It also helps the emergency vet if the dog is injured.
To keep your pet fit and healthy and ensure they are given the best help in an emergency, be sure to keep a first aid kit with you when you travel.
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